

Sometimes when we look at the news of what is going on around the world–the wars and rumours of war, the climate emergency, growing poverty–it can feel as the saying goes, “like we’re heading to hell in a handcart”. As a student I joined the March against Facism and went to Rock against Racism concerts. The fact that all these years later these two great evils are as strong as ever can make my head drop and my shoulders droop. It’s as though I have lead in my boots, my spirit weighed down and earthbound with helplessness.

And then I remember that God likes a dreamer…

The Lord’s Promise of His Spirit Joel 2:28 (New Living Translation)

“Then, after doing all those things, I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions.”

It’s as I allow myself to be led by the spirit and lean into worship that my head rises; and as I hold out my hands in intercession with one touching God and the other his beautiful, tormented world that my shoulders stiffen and I find the courage to say to the evil one, “You have been defeated, you shall not win.”

The season of Advent calls us to live expectantly of seeing God work in his world. It’s a time to remember that we follow a God who gladly left the realms of heaven to spend his first days lying in the animal feeder. Our faith is one that dares to look the gritty messiness of life in the eye, work to eradicate it, and dream of a better world to come for everyone. I like how Rich Villodas puts it, “many could care less about our good news if it’s not good news leading to a better, more just world also”.

Echo International champions want to continue to be agents for change in the world and to dream the dreams that make this happen. As a special project to launch our year end fundraiser, one champion is challenging us all to match their $50 donation today (or give as we are able). The goal for Giving Tuesday is to raise enough to finalize the Spanish translation of Lala’s Journey, “El Viaje de Lala”.

With your help and prayers we know that this is achievable and we want to thank you for setting aside the time to prayerfully consider how you can support us.

Over the next three weeks of Advent we hope you will join us as we share our dreams, our goals and collectively raise our eyes upwards so that we no longer feel earthbound.

Jean Guest