Celebrating 10 years!

Thanks to God’s faithfulness and the support of hundreds of Echo International champions like you, we are celebrating ten years this fall!

I invited our board members to join me for a chat about what ten years means to us, and what “echoing” God’s truth looks like in our lives. Click play and join us!

-Amy Knöttner
Founder & Executive Director


What is your truth?

Join the 10 year anniversary celebration and record a truth that has echoed in your life, maybe since you were a child. Get inspiration from the truths we shared in the video above, and send us yours!

Take a video “selfie” and click the link below to share or email Info@EchoIntl.org.

Nothing fancy—just something crucial that you learned that has stayed with you. Let’s see what kinds of truths have influenced Echo champions…

…and let’s keep echoing truth!